Monday, June 8, 2015

Physical or sedentary?

I consider myself as a physical person. Everyday before school at around 7:30 am, I would play basketball with friends in the gym. That is why my hair is frequently wet. This exercise regulates oxygen in my body and keeps my blood pumping. When I go to morning classes, I am normally more focused than in the afternoon classes, where I just want to fall asleep. I think that Medina's and edutopia's articles are correct, exercise helps better academic succession. Some people might contradict this. For example, in grade 6, I had a teacher who would issue daily physical activity of 30 minutes to an hour alongside recess and lunch. She believed that daily physical activity was an essential part of learning. However, I remember nothing from grade 6. This is because even though we had a ton of time to play, we did not do enough work. Overall, she was a nice teacher, but not good at teaching. In order for students to better succeed in academics, students need exercise and good teachers to learn better. My goals for next year, I plan to continue going to open gym in the mornings, and continue working out at lunch every other day. In the weekends, I will also run at the track as I do now, since usually I have a quiz or test per week in a subject or two.

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