Monday, June 8, 2015

Physical or sedentary?

I consider myself as a physical person. Everyday before school at around 7:30 am, I would play basketball with friends in the gym. That is why my hair is frequently wet. This exercise regulates oxygen in my body and keeps my blood pumping. When I go to morning classes, I am normally more focused than in the afternoon classes, where I just want to fall asleep. I think that Medina's and edutopia's articles are correct, exercise helps better academic succession. Some people might contradict this. For example, in grade 6, I had a teacher who would issue daily physical activity of 30 minutes to an hour alongside recess and lunch. She believed that daily physical activity was an essential part of learning. However, I remember nothing from grade 6. This is because even though we had a ton of time to play, we did not do enough work. Overall, she was a nice teacher, but not good at teaching. In order for students to better succeed in academics, students need exercise and good teachers to learn better. My goals for next year, I plan to continue going to open gym in the mornings, and continue working out at lunch every other day. In the weekends, I will also run at the track as I do now, since usually I have a quiz or test per week in a subject or two.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015
youtube video of my poetry project "you are a peach tree"
You are a peach tree
You are a peach tree,
Lingering in the shadows of
Apple trees, in an apple orchard.
Kids yearn for your peaches, but
Walk away disappointed with apples.
You are desperate,
Desperate to share your peaches,
To let yourself be known as delicious
Yet no one can find you
In the middle of the apple orchard.
You are a maze,
Full of intricate designs and tricks
To fool those trying to take your peaches,
But not knowing you are tricking them,
But only knowing that you cannot be found.
You are a peach tree,
Full of ripe and delicious peaches,
In an apple orchard full of rotting apples

Yet you remain hidden among secrets.