Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Miss Hancock was a sunset.

Miss Hancock was a sunset.
The sunset's beautiful vast variety of color could be recognized by anyone,
but to see its true beauty,
one must get to know the sunset, acquaintance with the profusion of colors blending together,
forming beautiful and delicate shades of yellow, orange, and red,
too bright and too delicate, leaving much too fast.
Past these beautiful shades of yellow, orange and red lies even deeper mixes of color
so tightly fused together to form the richest and most profound colors that meets the eye.
Oh how the smallest swirls of color with the tips just melting in to the next
just turned your heart into melted gold.
Most people would just glance at the sunset,
not considering to just take one special moment
to gaze at a flawless piece of art,
but others,
they can see past the garish colors of yellow, orange and red.
They can see the true beauty behind the skin,
and treasure it, while they still have the chance.

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